Blogs to encourage, motivate, teach, and share my experience
. . . for my clients, friends, family, and our community.

Low-Carb Diet: Complete?
May 3rd marked a full month of a low-carb diet I was following. The intention behind this diet was to bring awareness to what I was consuming, transition into the summer season, and to reduce sweet cravings. As a Certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist, I also implemented as many Ayurvedic principles as possible. In a nutshell, I combined science-backed research with Ayurveda and modified it to better suit my life and my needs. This blog post focuses on my thoughts, takeaways, and impact the diet had on me.

Low-Carb Diet Update: 15 DAYS IN
Hello everyone! At the beginning of April, I posted about a low-carbohydrate diet I intended on following for 4 weeks. This post is an update on how it’s been going. Did I suffer from sugar withdrawal? Did I crack and visit a Carl’s Jr. drive through? Has my perspective on food changed at all? Read on to find out and maybe pick up a few tips!

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Tucson, AZ & Chicago, IL