Blogs to encourage, motivate, teach, and share my experience
. . . for my clients, friends, family, and our community.

You Are Not Alone: Stronger Together
When you’re just starting, it may feel like it is impossible to change. I’m sharing this with you because I know it is possible. I see it. Daily.

As a yoga teacher, I enjoy using the chakras as a tool to help me understand the different parts of myself and draw attention to each specific energetic body. I invite you to learn about the chakras in this post so you can also look inward, identify what you need more or less of, and thrive in your life.

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight: Top 5
Feeling unmotivated to exercise is normal and common. Fortunately for you, I reveal the top five hacks you can use to trick yourself to exercise to lose weight and stay motivated.

Chicago Functional Exercise Clinic: August 2024 (offer expired)
Uptown, Chicago Functional Exercise Clinic in August 2024:
I am very excited to offer a Functional Strength Training Exercise Clinic while I am in my old neighborhood! I developed this 4-session clinic to maximize your practical exercise knowledge while keeping cost and commitment to a minimum. Want to gain lifelong skills in 4 hours and reach your fitness goals? Keep reading!

How to Make Exercise a Habit When You Don’t Have Time
In this article, a certified personal trainer guides you through the process of removing time constraints preventing you from exercising, provides you with research-backed information to make exercise a lifelong habit, and gives you practical tips to make exercise a habit when you don’t have time.

Creatine consumption is considered safe and beneficial. This blog post explains what creatine is, dosage, and benefits.

Getting Fit at Home: Your Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle
A guest written article by Connor Hoffman. In this article Connor highlights how you can get fit at home. Read this article to help you get started at home, right now, today!
Thank you Connor for this article! If you want to learn more about him, his information is included at the end of the post.

Low-Carb Diet: Complete?
May 3rd marked a full month of a low-carb diet I was following. The intention behind this diet was to bring awareness to what I was consuming, transition into the summer season, and to reduce sweet cravings. As a Certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist, I also implemented as many Ayurvedic principles as possible. In a nutshell, I combined science-backed research with Ayurveda and modified it to better suit my life and my needs. This blog post focuses on my thoughts, takeaways, and impact the diet had on me.

Low-Carb Diet Update: 15 DAYS IN
Hello everyone! At the beginning of April, I posted about a low-carbohydrate diet I intended on following for 4 weeks. This post is an update on how it’s been going. Did I suffer from sugar withdrawal? Did I crack and visit a Carl’s Jr. drive through? Has my perspective on food changed at all? Read on to find out and maybe pick up a few tips!

Sugar Addiction: Healthy Reset 4-Week Low-Carb Diet
This blog post explores the idea of reducing sweet cravings and finding an ideal macronutrient split to recalibrate my diet. Keep reading to learn about my findings - this could provide you with some insight regarding your carbohydrate fixation and perhaps even some helpful information on how to mitigate those cravings.

In this post, I highlight several beautiful, accessible, local races that you can participate in in the spring of 2023 in Southern Arizona. The races vary in difficulty level, cost, and distance. I assigned each race an “EXFO RATING” to indicate the difficulty level! Let’s run - together!

Online Personal Training Removes Barriers
Here are the top 5 barriers online personal training removes from your life! Read this post to learn how online personal training can help you get healthy, stay consistent, and meet your fitness goals.

Is strength training different from resistance training? The two terms are often used interchangeably in the fitness industry and that is not by accident. This is because resistance training IS strength training. Case closed right? Not really. Read on to learn why some websites are claiming that there is a difference between the two and what scientific literature actually says.

In this post I discuss free weights versus machines. New clients and potential clients often ask me what my focus is or which is better. Read on to find out!

If you are one of those folks who have not joined a gym but are considering joining one, this blog post is for you! Here are the top 5 items you want to bring with you on your first gym day.

In this post, I highlight several local races that you could participate in. They vary in difficulty level, cost, and distance. I assigned each race an “EXFO RATING” to indicate the difficulty level.

Contact us.
(520) 222-7264
Tucson, AZ & Chicago, IL