
ExhaloFortis.com logo of painted outline of a shirtless man rising from a lotus flower


Runner's pictured during a 5K race in Tucson, AZ, view of a mountain


. . . with intention

“When I run, when I lift, when I practice, when I consume.

Run for a purpose or for no reason at all. Run to heal, to forget, to release to be reminded.

Lift to get stronger, to maintain, to grow. Lift to sweat, to release, to explode.

Practice to breathe, to sit still, to stretch. Practice to meditate, to soothe, to mend, to extend.

Consume media, music, images, purposefully. Consume foods that satisfy, nourish, and please.

Do it all with intention”

a wellness resource

I wrote the poem above entitled “. . . with intention” when I started EXHALO FORTIS. This poem is the foundation for EXHALO FORTIS. This website showcases my journey to study, practice, and teach about keeping our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual selves nourished and well.

More science-backed research and information provided at the EXFO Blog.

FREE Functional Training videos and e-book available.

About Me

Pictured Joel Silva with Saguaro in the background

Joel Adrian Silva, Founder


I am primarily a runner. I’ve completed several marathons and countless other races in my life. Every other habit including indoor cycling, biking, yoga, and weight lifting (to name a few) I’ve picked up over the years to support my running longevity.

I first became active and interested in physical activity when I had mental health struggles while in college. I truly feel that running saved my life then and continues to do so today. After graduating college with a B.S. in Biology and working in labs, offices, and doing field work in the environmental consulting field, I realized - with the help of the global pandemic- that life is too short to spend it not doing what you love.

This is why I started EXHALO FORTIS - to share my passion and expertise for different modalities that could support your overall wellness. I’ve helped a diverse group of people reach their health and fitness goals- read their testimonials.

My Mission

I started EXHALO FORTIS to change the status quo. I want those who feel intimidated by the fitness industry to have a place to turn to. A safe space for queer, gender-non conforming, and BIPOC to get active. In-person, online, in a park, at home - EVERYWHERE! View my coaching and scheduling options and begin your journey this very moment.

If you have any questions about anything do not hesitate to contact me by filling out the form below.

Thank you and be well!